We are always looking for top talent to join Young Hearts Preschools. If you or someone you know is interested in teaching at our brand new location in Buckeye, Ariz., please submit an application.

Become a Lead Teacher
The Lead Teacher at Young Hearts Preschool will report to the School Director. The Lead Teacher will be responsible for all students assigned to them in the areas of education, supervision, assessment, and parent communication.
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Become an Assistant Teacher
The Assistant Teacher at Young Hearts Preschool will report to the School Director. The Assistant Teacher will assist the Lead Teacher with students assigned to the Lead Teacher in the areas of education, supervision, assessment, and parent communication.
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Become a Mentor Teacher
A Mentor Teacher is be responsible for all students assigned to them in the areas of education, supervision, assessment, and parent communication. In addition, the Mentor Teacher will work to train and mentor other teachers at Young Hearts.
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Careers at Great Hearts
More than a career – a calling to teach.
Teaching provides the unique opportunity to share your love of learning along with cultivating the hearts and minds of young people. At Great Hearts, we prioritize these ideas through a classical, liberal arts curriculum and through the building of a rich, close-knit culture at each of our academies.
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